How Can You Make Your Face More Attractive?
Everyone can take simple steps to maintain facial appearance. If these suggestions sound too familiar and fail to provoke interest, remember that doing the simple things right is fundamental to more specific approaches.
* Look healthy - show a clean face; attend and heal wounds promptly and avoid scarring; eliminate or hide lesions such as moles, pimples, and blemishes.
* Avoid agents of aging - do not expose your face to the sun (or other nuclear radiation); avoid extreme environmental conditions such as strong hot and dry winds, extreme cold, or heat (see the Aging Facet).
* Practice moderation - eat a balanced diet emphasizing foods salubrious for the skin care; avoid excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and over-use of drugs (including prescription drugs - see your physician about reducing drug use and the relationship between the drugs you use and your appearance); take a multi-vitamin.
* Project a well groomed demeanor - people rate faces as more attractive if they think the person carefully attends to their appearance.
* Carefully consider accessories - clothing, such as hats, and accessories, such as jewelry, can improve the overall appearance of the face if appropriately chosen.
Another group of recommendations for a more attractive face is specific to particular deficiencies:
male physical attractiveness
Men can use facial
hair to enhance
attractiveness by
adapting it to their
facial features.
If female, use cosmetics - Women who use cosmetics are perceived as more attractive, presuming that the cosmetics are applied appropriately. A woman can improve her attractiveness simply by using cosmetics. Some men, however, prefer women who use a minimum or no cosmetics, so if you might be interested in this male type, be alert for his preference and try a low-cosmetic strategy. If you are a man and have a specific blemish that can be hidden by cosmetics, consider how much can be gained by hiding it using a technique generally considered feminine. It can be cost-effective to hide it.
* If male, growth (or elimination) of facial hair can improve attractiveness. A beard or moustache can hide blemishes or scars. Growth of hair on the chin can lengthen a receding or short chin. If you already have a strong chin, it may be better to shave, or to clip the beard closely to show this strong point. If you are a man who enjoys wearing facial hair, attractiveness points can be earned by carefully attending its appearance.
* Neither wrinkles nor other signs of age are as problematic for beauty as other critical developments, such as leathery skin and facial hair for women or, in men, vascular and coloration changes (see the Aging Facet). The best approach to these problems is to avoid or postpone them with proper skin care.
Consult allies for advice - If you have questions about your appearance, compose a query that you feel comfortable addressing to your closest friends, but be aware that they may have an incentive to be less than frank. It is always appropriate to inquire of the people you pay for services related to your health or appearance, such as a dermatologist, an orthodontist, a psychologist, a beautician, or hair stylist. Be aware that someone may have an ulterior motive (e.g., to sell you something) so weigh other factors (e.g., their professional integrity) into your decisions. Do not assume that your long-held opinion or belief about what is best for your facial attractiveness is actually correct.
One point from the above list is that the basic aspects of facial beauty are a matter of simple, inexpensive measures, rather than something that results from costly, elaborate, and risky medical procedures, in the vast majority of cases. Finally, remember that physical beauty is a component of overall attractiveness, albeit an important one. Your physical deficiencies can be offset by tasteful clothing, an engaging personality, your skills and interests, and your achievements and products. Conversely, relying merely on physical attributes may not be a successful long-term or all-encompassing strategy for the goals you strive to achieve.
* Look healthy - show a clean face; attend and heal wounds promptly and avoid scarring; eliminate or hide lesions such as moles, pimples, and blemishes.
* Avoid agents of aging - do not expose your face to the sun (or other nuclear radiation); avoid extreme environmental conditions such as strong hot and dry winds, extreme cold, or heat (see the Aging Facet).
* Practice moderation - eat a balanced diet emphasizing foods salubrious for the skin care; avoid excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and over-use of drugs (including prescription drugs - see your physician about reducing drug use and the relationship between the drugs you use and your appearance); take a multi-vitamin.
* Project a well groomed demeanor - people rate faces as more attractive if they think the person carefully attends to their appearance.
* Carefully consider accessories - clothing, such as hats, and accessories, such as jewelry, can improve the overall appearance of the face if appropriately chosen.
Another group of recommendations for a more attractive face is specific to particular deficiencies:
male physical attractiveness
Men can use facial
hair to enhance
attractiveness by
adapting it to their
facial features.
If female, use cosmetics - Women who use cosmetics are perceived as more attractive, presuming that the cosmetics are applied appropriately. A woman can improve her attractiveness simply by using cosmetics. Some men, however, prefer women who use a minimum or no cosmetics, so if you might be interested in this male type, be alert for his preference and try a low-cosmetic strategy. If you are a man and have a specific blemish that can be hidden by cosmetics, consider how much can be gained by hiding it using a technique generally considered feminine. It can be cost-effective to hide it.
* If male, growth (or elimination) of facial hair can improve attractiveness. A beard or moustache can hide blemishes or scars. Growth of hair on the chin can lengthen a receding or short chin. If you already have a strong chin, it may be better to shave, or to clip the beard closely to show this strong point. If you are a man who enjoys wearing facial hair, attractiveness points can be earned by carefully attending its appearance.
* Neither wrinkles nor other signs of age are as problematic for beauty as other critical developments, such as leathery skin and facial hair for women or, in men, vascular and coloration changes (see the Aging Facet). The best approach to these problems is to avoid or postpone them with proper skin care.
Consult allies for advice - If you have questions about your appearance, compose a query that you feel comfortable addressing to your closest friends, but be aware that they may have an incentive to be less than frank. It is always appropriate to inquire of the people you pay for services related to your health or appearance, such as a dermatologist, an orthodontist, a psychologist, a beautician, or hair stylist. Be aware that someone may have an ulterior motive (e.g., to sell you something) so weigh other factors (e.g., their professional integrity) into your decisions. Do not assume that your long-held opinion or belief about what is best for your facial attractiveness is actually correct.
One point from the above list is that the basic aspects of facial beauty are a matter of simple, inexpensive measures, rather than something that results from costly, elaborate, and risky medical procedures, in the vast majority of cases. Finally, remember that physical beauty is a component of overall attractiveness, albeit an important one. Your physical deficiencies can be offset by tasteful clothing, an engaging personality, your skills and interests, and your achievements and products. Conversely, relying merely on physical attributes may not be a successful long-term or all-encompassing strategy for the goals you strive to achieve.